The Telegraph through Morse and Marconi

In 1832, during an Atlantic crossing aboard a tall ship, Samuel Morse listened casually on the electromagnet a conversation, this event inspired him to study a particular signaling system based on electricity.

To achieve this signaling system, Morse invented an alphabet of signs that could be transmitted with his electric telegraph, patented in America in 1838.

From this moment begins the era of modern communications:
the first schematically constituted by a switch (telegraph key) which allow or interrupt the passage of electric current along the wire connecting the transmitting station to the receiver.

In the ceiving station it was placed an electromagnet provided with stirrer which was combined with a writing tip tracing on a strip of more or less long stretches card (lines or dots).

Such a sequence of dots and dashes represented (in Morse code) various letters, punctuation marks of the transmitted message.

They could transmit up to ten words per minute with a telegraph key operated by hand, and these signs were then to be deciphered and transcribed by hand.

In 1851, aying of the first submarine cable between France and England, international communications began.

In 1895 the invention of radio opens up new perspectives: the Morse signals began to be propagated through the airwaves (electromagnetic waves) and the name was changed to radio-telegraphy.

Guglielmo Marconi, called "Father of radio communications", was the first to use radio waves to transmit messages remotely without needing a physical connection (with wires) between a transmitting station and a receiver.

In the first experiments Marconi used a primitive radio-telegraphy system that was based on the basic principles of Herz's scientific experiments.

Thus he created an antenna for receiving and transmitting systems.

In 1900 it was established a radio-telephone connection to the 300 km distance between Cornwall and the Isle of Wight, southern England, demonstrating what science considered impossible: it was thought, indeed, that go beyond the horizon it was not possible because the electromagnetic waves travel in a straight line.

In 1904 the highest quality was achieved with the advent of the Diode, the thermionic valve with which it was possible to transmit and receive the human voice;
DE FOREST later invents the triode, which allowed modulation and demodulation of the signal and the ability to generate persistent radio waves at any frequency and high power.

In 1920, in Britain and in the U.S. the first radio-phonic programs are carried out.

The telegraph key will be the protagonist of Morse communication for all subsequent generations of Marconi radio to this day.

The last telegraph plant to be officially dismantled dates back to 1985, it was at a small office in the Province of Rome.

Through telegraphy we were told our story, with new technologies tell our future.

Morse code has been widely used for almost a century and a half.

Generations of Marconists have spent their lives beating on the telegraph key enough to take the morse code as a second language.

In this regard, here is a brilliant statement:

" Morse, that all we considered as an absolutely secondary and artificial language, a "code", a mere code precisely, is however, considered in its various actual practice, a much more complex reality, a language that has absolutely natural aspects (nell ' use of the body, above), along with some technical aspects of "artificial", and that this is probably able to make us see better commonalities also the first language, the historical-natural languages in their spontaneous oral use, but in this remained partially in shadow "
(Prof. Daniele Gambarara Docente Università della Calabria).


Paul Bennett

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